We must listen, hear and halt the folly....time no longer infinite....
Beyond the shore lark and whooper swans is heard the cry of the whale, the winds of desolation resonating from the mists of eons, a vast chasm of voidness. An anguished cry presaging the end of time returning to windswept wasteland. Take guard archangeli 'The Time is Now'
further reading:
Destroying nature by “electrosmog”
Ulrich Warnke
But if bees and other insectsdisappear, if birds are no longerpresent in their traditional territoriesand humans suffer from inexplicablefunctional deficiencies, then each onits own may appear puzzling at first.The apparently unrelated and puzzlingphenomena actually have a commontrigger, however. ...
b. The involvement of government in
industry and the high percentage of
industry-financed research and
industry-beholden panels and
consultants, have spawned a
questionable system of environment
and consumer protection. ...
How to order:
Competence Initiative,
E-mail: bienenbroschuere@kompetenzinitiative.de
Bürgerwelle e. V., Dachverband der Bürger und Initiativen zum Schutz vor
Elektrosmog, Lindenweg 10, D-95643 Tirschenreuth;
Tel.: 09631-795736; Fax: 09631-795734;
Refer to www.broschuerenreihe.de for information on the series of papers on Effects of Mobile Radio and
Wireless Communication of the Competence Initiative for the Protection of Mankind, Environment and