Monday, 14 July 2008

Knife Culture and Binge-Drinking

Knife culture in Britain today is symptomatic of collective self-perpetuating paranoia which touches many young people across society.

This condition is fuelled by unrest and terrorism close to home and abroad.

News of wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen brings a constant reminder of atrocities, with death and immense suffering being reported on a daily basis.

Secondly, fear and feeling unsafe amongst collective youth, additionally occasioned by increasing numbers of attacks and killings, leads to a perceived need for self-protection, hence the self-perpetuating paranoia.

The laws associated with the sale of knives and other bladed implements must be enforced.

It is the unassailable duty of government and police to protect all society.

This will be aided by a clear message from government and police forces, reminding those illegally selling or supplying knives to minors that they will be subject to enforcement of the law, which must be followed up beyond mere lip-service.

The message must also be aimed at the sub-culture of supply, i.e. owning, selling and exchange of knives amongst the youth and their immediate circle, who must be reminded that they may also be subject to the law.


The associated problems of drink and drug related knife crime must also be addressed.

It is long overdue that there be a stringent overhaul of drinks licensing, and that advertising promotions at source need to be thoroughly reviewed.  
Clubs which attract large number of young people with cheap drinks' promotions must be made aware that unscrupulous marketing which in turn leads to anti-social drunkenness and violent crime is unacceptable and will no longer be tolerated. Authorities, in turn, must revoke licenses and close premises which are seen to be instrumental in the problems on the streets.  Supermarkets and other shops selling cheap alcohol by means of unscrupulous marketing offers must also be subject to license review.

It is vital to communicate the message to all and demonstrate that, in matters of safety and security of civil society, both government and police authorities are impartial, and take their duty of protection seriously, in such a way as to regain the trust and confidence of society.

Authorities must be seen to act firmly and fairly.

Janie Cartney
8.7.08 edited 29.7.17

Post Script 14.7.08
In response to the statement by Home Secretary, Jaqui Smith in the HoC:  Weak, outdated sociology as a sop is unacceptable

1 comment:

smartart said...

Young men are viscerally violent. Distressed young men are more-so and with added alcohol (etc) nothing will deter or control them. The solution (if, indeed. there is one) lies in respecting and catering for the wildness in the young male - from before birth. Our society has broken all of Natures rules and allowed a belief to take root that our default-state is high-mindedness. In truth we are the Ape Confused by Language, and increasingly devoid of wisdom. it will end in tears.